

I quickly turned photography into a full-time career, completely replacing my salary. And I believe in sharing with others to help their creative businesses take off.

photography business education

Maui Wedding Photographer

El Matador Beach Malibu Engagement Session

If this sounds like you, you’ve arrived to the right place.

  • You want to grow your business but don’t know how to attract new clients.

  • You want to know how to build a foundation for your business that will allow you to scale.

  • You desire feedback on anything from your photos, to your website, or social media in order to attract higher-paying clients.

  • You’ve grown your business but don’t know how to take it to the next level to bring in more income.

  • You want proven step-by-step strategies to eliminate any confusion around marketing.

If any of these sound like you… then coaching is the best next step to give you the tools you need to help your business succeed!

view the guides

Our Services

Creative Business Coaching Dallas Photographer

1 on 1 Photography Business Coaching

Power Hour — $75

1-on-1 60-Minute

Zoom Coaching Session

  • Fit for anyone at any point in business whether you’re just starting or steadily growing

  • Can either help with technical aspects of photography as well as marketing, website review, how to expand to destination weddings, etc.!

  • A great option if you are feeling stuck in a specific area of your business.

Dallas Photographer working at coffee shop

Long-Term Coaching – $500

3-Month Business

Coaching Strategy

  • Perfect for those who want more hands-on assistance in building or growing their business

  • We will go over any roadblocks in your business and develop a 3-month strategy to take your business to the next level

  • You’ll be provided with in-depth resources & a 3-month marketing strategy plan!


Helping to provide photographers with proven strategies to scale their business & do what they love for a living.

Subscribe to receive weekly tips on marketing, client experience, editing, + more!


Explore some of my resources to get your knowledge to the next level.

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© kayleen shearer photography 2024